In the 3rd day of Man's Work Week, we discover that God makes a covenant with Abraham and tells him that he will be the father of many nations. It was by his seed that Israel became a nation that was "holy to the Lord, the first of His harvest" Jeremiah 2:3. This is why God instructed the Israelites to bring to the priest a sheaf of the first grain that they harvest once they entered the land that God gave them. This was an offering of First Fruits to the Lord.
After the High Priest entered into the Holy Place, he was to bring in with him the first of the harvest as an offering to God. In the same way that we worship God on the first day of the week by bringing in our tithes and offerings and putting God first, we find the High Priest making an offering of First Fruits to God. Sound familiar? That's right! God's 3rd Holiday is called First Fruits. The symmetry is right on point.
Isaac Born 1992 (2048)
Jacob Born 1862 (2108)
Moses Born 1572 (2398)
Moses Leaves Egypt 1532 (2438)
Exodus 1492-1490 (2478-2480)
Moses Diesv1452 (2518)
Levi Born 1775 (2195)
Kohath Born 1710 (2260)
Amram Born 1650 (2320)
Salmon 1465 (2505)
Boaz Born 1352 (2618)
Obed Born 1232 (2738)
Jesse Born 1127 (2843)
David Born 1040 (2930)
DAVID'S RULE 1001-970 (2960-3000)
The Age of Deliverance is the third in the week of seven ages and correlates to the third day of creation week. In the third day, God parted the waters and made dry land appear, then he made the earth bring forth its fruit bearing vegetation. In the same way, we see in the third day (3000 years) of history, that God parted the waters and made dry land appear for the Hebrews to escape Pharaoh's charging chariots. After which, he lead them to his holy mountain and established his covenant with them. In essence, he had fellowship with them and they became a great nation of 12 tribes.
In the wheel above, you'll notice in the day portion a figure that represents the third article within the Tabernacle called the Table of Shewbread. This table was where the priests would bring in twelve loaves of bread and partake as that was their portion. There was one loaf for each tribe of Israel and they were divided on the table, six loaves in one stack and six in the other. This correlates to the barley figure located in the night portion of the wheel. This figure represents the Feast of First Fruits. This is the third feast of seven that God told his people to observe. The priest would present the loaves of bread to the Lord on the Table of Shewbread. Although there is an absence of direct scriptural evidence that the first fruits of the barley harvest was used to make the 12 loaves of bread on the Table of Shewbread, there is extra biblical evidence for this in the writings of Josephus. However, we do know that Barley was waved as the wave sheaf unto the Lord, as the first fruits of the harvest and it is highly plausible that this same barley was also used to make the "bread of the presence" and placed on the Table of Shewbread, which was presented to the Lord.
The greater significance of this correlation is that when Jesus rose from the dead, there was an even greater resurrection as "the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus' resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people" Matthew 27:52-53. Jesus presented himself along with these "holy" ones to God as an offering of first fruits, fulfilling the Feast of First Fruits who are now fellowshipping with God in his very presence. This was their deliverance and was foreshadowed by the Exodus story! Even more astoundingly, this was initially prophesied by God himself when he parted the waters and made dry land appear on the third day of creation week!